So far I have written this blog three times, trying to find the perfect way to summarize 2019. It hasn’t been an easy task to summarize an entire year that seemed to go by in a flash and also has so many little pieces in it. I am going to do my best to be concise, which many of you know, is not my strong suit.
My plan in 2019 was to focus on the website and online sales, something I wanted to do to create more time for myself and the ability to not be on the road as much. It didn’t happen that way. By in large the website was neglected as I got continually more busy running delivery routes, launching a new brand, and running a monthly farmers market. Soon my entire day was gone, so I started waking up between 4-5am to take advantage of the dead hours when everyone else is asleep. Initially this allowed for me to finish by 3pm or so. Then festival season hit, wholesale shows, a co-packing deal and now it was 5am wake up and 7-9pm finishing, come home, eat, sleep, do it again.
In the midst of all this craziness my landlord and friend Mr. Roger Bickham passed away in May. He had been a huge help to me and the company over the 5 years I had known him. It was after his death that I started to really think about why I was running myself so ragged pursuing something 20 years in the future and not enjoying my life now. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. I don’t mind long hours, but there is a point where I was losing whatever was me and at the same time, missing time with my family. So shortly after his passing we scheduled a family vacation for this year 2020, something that hasn’t happened in over a decade, complete with grandkids and all. Pretty sure there weren’t even grandkids around the last time this happened.
The grand animals may sneak in too

1 comment
I live in Picayune. I used to buy your salsa at Jubilee in Pearl River, but now I can’t find it. Where can I buy your salsa.